četrtek, 30. januar 2014

Crusader Kings 2 The Old Gods Torrent

Crusader Kings 2 The Old Gods Torrent

Crusader Kings 2 The Old Gods Torrent. The Old Gods (TOG) is the fourth major expansion for Crusader Kings II, released on May 28, 2013 alongside with patch 1.10. It allows a new start date of 867 AD, unlocks a new rebellion system, and makes Pagans playable while adding new mechanics for them.

The following features are included in the patch and DLC:

Pagans and Zoroastrians will be playable.
The start date will be pushed back to 867. No dates between 867 and 1066 will be playable.
Base Religious Authority depends on holding holy sites (should make it harder to reach and hold at 100% as it is now)
Pagans only have Gavelkind, harsher short reign penalties, can not demand vassals to convert, are more susceptible to conversion from monotheistic religions.
To reform a pagan religion, you need 3 of 5 holy sites and a lot of piety.
It will be possible to restore Zoroastrianism to prominence by recreating the Persian Empire, thus retaking the religion's holy sites, and appointing a Moabadan-Moabad, and the possibility of becoming the Saoshyant - the prophesized saviour of Zoroastrianism, which is represented as a nickname and trait. Your descendants will also receive a slightly weaker version of this trait, which they will be able to keep even if they convert to another religion.
Reformed pagans gain a religious head (different for each), all but Norse are church vassals like Patriarchs.
Reformed Norse get a Caliph-like religious leader called a Fylkir - a secular and religious head, the title will be granted to the ruler who restored the religion.
Reformed pagans gain holy war and Crusade CBs styled as "Great Holy Wars" but lose subjugation CB and defensive attrition.
Unreformed pagan religions become heresies upon reformation.
All religions will have 5 holy sites (listed below).
Some heresies have separately scripted holy sites, but most share holy sites with their parent religion.
Pagan temples can have female holders.
Most of the new mechanics will not be hard-coded and can be easily changed through scripts for modders.
You can take female rulers as captive concubine and any child born to a concubine will have the same rights in succession as other children, but will be viewed poorly by others.
If you make a married woman your concubine it will break her marriage.
Zoroastrians accept and encourage incest - an incestuous marriage, particularly with a close family member will garner an opinion bonus from vassals.
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